Learn how to weight loss in 1 day with this powerful detox recipe that not many people know about. This powerful detox recipe requires only 3 natural ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen cabinet. If you have been trying to lose weight without success, this recipe will help you achieve your goal.
Note: If you are on any health medications or are allergic to any of the ingredients in this recipe, please refrain from using it or contact your doctor for professional advice just to be safe.
How To Weight Loss In 1 Day With This Powerful Detox Recipe
- 4 Teaspoons of Epsom salt
- 1 Glass of water
- 1/2 a lemon juice
Preparation & Consumption
Heat the water until warm to the touch and mix in your Epsom salt, stir until it dissolves and add in your lemon juice. Drink it immediately when you wake up in the morning and once again before you go to bed while it is still warm. This remedy will cause a laxative effect on your body which will empty out your colon and remove water weight.
This method is probably one of the safest ways to lose 4 pounds in 1 day without harming yourself! We also recommend you stick with a vegetable diet throughout the day before and after using the remedy above to make it more effective. Make sure you drink up to 8 glasses of water during the day and at least take a 1-hour walk.
Please do not use this remedy for more than 2 days to prevent dehydration or diarrhea.
There you go! You now know how weight loss in 1 day with this powerful detox recipe.
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